
Server Origins

Union SMP was the predecessor to this server and it was created in November of 2022. To explain how the last server ended and this one started, it all goes back to June of 2023. Union SMP was a well liked server by the people who played on it and lasted for eight months. The lead admin on the server actually played often and kept the server functional while also not making any big decisions. That admin was going to update the server to 1.20 once all the plugins on the server got updated to that version. Unfortunately, a few days before that was set to happen the server owner pulled the plug on the server one random night with him also deleting the discord simultaneously. We were unable to get a world download until many months later, so we decided to create a new server. The first week of this server was hectic to say the least as the entire server was work in progress, however, it has emerged to be a strong and community lead server. This server's staff is unaffiliated with the previous servers staff, please do not try to contact them.

Chat rules

This applies to server chat and the discord

  1. Treat everyone with respect. Absolutely no harassment, witch hunting, sexism, racism, serious insults, or hate speech will be tolerated.

  2. Swearing is allowed, however conversations about addictive substances, violence, and gambling and other mature subjects should only take place in private channels marked as such.

  3. No spam or excessive self-promotion (server invites, advertisements etc).

  4. No age-restricted or NSFW content. This includes text, images or links featuring nudity, adult content, innuendos, hard violence or other disturbing graphic content.

  5. Please use English in all discord channels and in the in-game chat.

  6. If you either wish to report an action you believe is against the rules or dispute a moderator action please open a ticket in the ticket channel in discord. (don’t dm them!!!)

  7. All chat rules apply to dm’s and in game writing/images such as books.

Minecraft rules

  1. Claims may be removed if they are annoying or the owner hasn't joined in greater than 30 days. Players who are trusted on a claim get priority when it's set to be removed.*

  2. Harassment and bullying like by targeting a player is not allowed. Racist, sexist, and homophobic symbols and iconography will be punished accordingly.

  3. Griefing, lavacasts, and large lava pillars are not allowed. Harming the functionality or look of a build is considered griefing.*

  4. Stealing from graves is not allowed besides with obituaries and player heads.

  5. When building near a different player's claim, you should try and let them know.

  6. No using cheats, x-ray or exploits. Additionally, building lag machines or using any other exploit to lag the server is not allowed under any circumstance.

  7. Minor dupes, such as those that allow you to only dupe one type of block/item are allowed. Any other type of duping is not allowed.*

(* It is further explained in the FAQ, please check it out before asking for clarifications!)